What a week! Actually what an interesting last 24 hours.
Let's just start at the very beginning.
Our Sundays are always busy. We start off with a meeting with our 4th ward mission leader, Brother Romano. He is a convert of about 30 years and has three daughters. We are close to his whole family. His wife's grandmother who we call "Nana" lives with them and she is fantastic. She is 100 years old and from Germany!
Anywho, we start our morning bright and early with him and then head off to our first sacrament meeting. We then either teach or go to the Gospel Principles class (we teach next Sunday :)) and from there we go to our next meeting with our Second ward mission leader in the 1st ward, Brother Bailey who is actually also a convert!!!
He just moved with his family from Washington state. After our meeting with him, we then go to 1st ward Sacrament meeting, and then if we have investigators, we teach a Gospel Principles class. But if not, we go to Gospel Doctrine, then to Relief Society (which we actually taught yesterday :) Now this schedule is of course dependent upon which investigators come to church and what class we get invited to teach. Two Sundays ago, we were asked to teach junior and senior primary singing time. . . Ha. We are basically at church from 7 a.m. -4:00 p.m. and I LOVE IT!!! Four wards meet in our building. We cover 1st and 4th ward and 2nd and Springtown which have the Elders.
Yesterday we had about 5 less-actives come to church, and an investigator. What a blessing. In our mission we have the blessing to be a mission that is piloting the "to the rescue" program where we help less actives or what we in the San Jose mission call "returning members" come to church.
After church yesterday we got a referral from the Mocho Elders (from the Mocho spanish branch). They contacted into a Hindi family who speak (Punjabi) from India and since the Elders are really Hermanos, they passed them off to us! Blessings! Not only do we love referrals, but it's a family: Husband, wife, 1 son and 2 daughters!! Blessings!! And the 4th ward that we cover has a recent convert family that is also from India!! Woo!! We will go back to teach them on Thursday and Sunday.
Later on in the day we were planning to go visit another one of our investigators but Sister Carter just decided to shake things up a bit. . .
I love driving in California, really, I do. In fact, I think I do a pretty good job but last night, I was not on my A game. I do a horrible job at getting close to the curb when trying to park. I'm either too close or too wayyyyy too far away. But, I've been getting better! Well to make a long story short, I popped the tire. Actually, I cause the tire to explode. The thing made the loudest noise. How did that happen? I was trying to park close to the curb and rammed so hard into the curb I caused the tire to pop.
Anywho, this morning (It's p-day) we drove to wheel works and they gave us a new tire.
Oh I forgot to tell you how we got the spare on!!
After screaming for probably 20 minutes we called the Elders! Good thing they had just gotten out of a dinner appt. They came to our rescue. They put the spare on and we were off.
So grateful for those elders.
I promise I'll do a better job driving.
I promise to do a better job taking care of the Lord's car.
Sister Carter