Monday, February 8, 2016

February 1, 2016

What a fun time to be a missionary. Especially when the Superbowl is right outside your window. Literally. I can see Levi Stadium from my house.......This is going to be an interesting week that's for sure. 

Sister Scarr and I, (oh by the way I got another new companion! ha....long story, i'll tell you all later) have been doing our best to tear it up here in Sunnyvale/ Santa Clara! She is from the beautiful state of Washington. Members will often say which Washington, and we have both just gotten into the habit of saying we are both from Washington; I'm just from the better Washington... KIDDING. :) Sister Scarr only has 3 weeks left on her mission so it's also really fun when members ask us "Where are you from? Where have you served? How long have you been out? What are you doing after your missions?" all in one breath during dinner..... We just both awkwardly look at each other and say over a year.....
We have been teaching a TON. Sister Scarr is also an Hermana so it's fun to practice Spanish.

Here's us walking the streets of the great El Camino Real! 

My studies have been wonderful the past couple of days. I am so grateful for the personal revelation and inspiration we are able to receive from our Father in Heaven, so long as we are open to it. I find it such a blessing to be in constant communication with our Father of our Spirits. He is all knowing and omnipotent and so ever aware of ALL of his children everywhere--we see that and feel that so much as missionary.

I have concluded on my mission that unless we are willing to change in this mortal life, if growth is not a priority in our lives, if we are not on the course of steady improvement, we will miss out on the important experiences God wants to give us. I would even go further to say, we will miss out on becoming what he wants us to become quicker. We need to be on a steady incline of becoming better. And I am not talking about becoming more powerful, or business savvy, I'm talking about developing the qualities of our Savior. Becoming a walking epistle of the Lord. 

Through Jesus Christ, we have the ability and are given the power to become.  

President Spencer W. Kimball said "I have learned where there is a prayerful heart, a hungering after righteousness, a forsaking of sins, and obedience to the commandments of God, the Lord pours out more and more light until there is power to pierce the heavenly veil.....A person of such righteousness has the priceless promise that one day he shall see the Lord's face and know that he is."

And that is what it's all about. To have faith and hope and to live like his Son so that WHEN we see him, we will be like him, we will have developed his attributes (well tried to at least!)

I'd invite you all to read an article titled "The New Testaments Message of Repentance" by Elder Larry Y. Wilson found in the Febuary 2016 Ensign. and to "ponder anew what the Almighty can do".

I love you all, 
Sister Carter

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