Whitewashing an area your last two transfers with almost 4 different companions every other week has certainly left no room for a trunky Sister Carter. If you don't know what trunky means, google it.
Church this week (yes week) has been a blast. We had Elder Arnold of the 70 join us here in Los Altos. He was fantastic. I so enjoy being the presence of the Lords authorities. Giving my all on the mission can be difficult at times, and so I am impressed, amazed and grateful for all of the worthy men AND women who fully commit themselves to serving the Lord in their callings. There is nothing more noble then truly giving your all to the Lord.
I have seen on the mission that this is our time to prove ourselves. To truly show how much we love God. We are really able to put Him first and give him our time talents and energy in order to build up the kingdom. I am saddened by some who don't take it as seriously. The mission is a wonderful opportunity to show our loyalty to God.
Between ward and stake conferences my testimony and knowledge of the Restored gospel, Plan of Salvation and the Godhead has increased. I am grateful for personal revelation and the power of prayer. I am grateful for the Holy Ghost and the reality of God and His Son Jesus Christ.
In my mission call it said "As you devote your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs, the Lord will bless you with increased knowledge and testimony of the Restoration and of the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ." This promise is true. I don't think I would have learned these things any other way. I am so grateful I get to serve a mission.
Here is delightful Sue a member in our ward, with Hermana Scarr my companion.
The weather was just too good we had to snap a picture together.
I love you all so much, SO MUCH
you're all in my prayers,
Sister Carter
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