My emailing is terrible. I'm not too sure why besides the fact that I am HORRIBLE at managing my time! On Monday, the hour we have to email really isn't enough! I feel really sad because I'm so bad at expressing myself and informing everyone on what's going on and how people are progressing etc. I'm sorry. I pray that I will get better and I will certainly pray that my future letters will help many people see how happy and grateful that I truly am.
I had the blessing of being able to give a talk on Sunday about being physically and spiritually prepared. That, translated to me, was "The Doctrine of Jesus Christ". Truly, the Doctrine of Christ: Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End allows us to be BOTH physically and spiritually prepared. "Keep the Commandments." is a phrase we read a lot in the Book of Mormon. Wickedness never was and never will be happiness and truly keeping the commandments always allows us to be happy, thus, being "Prepared". I sobbed while giving my talk in perfect Sister Carter fashion. I'm always so embarrassed but oh well, I'm tender.
Here is a bit from my talk:
Missionary works allows us to declare to others that they too must be physically and spiritually prepared. There are many who don't know what they're missing in their lives. Many don't know where or how to find the truth. But, all is well Brothers and Sisters, because I am here to tell you as a representative of Jesus Christ that not only I, as a missionary, but we all "must declare this gospel [to all people] that they may be filled with joy.
Declare to this people that they must repent, have faith, be baptized. Don't only tell them, but show them of that straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life.
"This is the way and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now behold this is the Doctrine of Christ, and the only true doctrine of the Father. . ."
We're in a pretty serious drought here in Livermore. Something that I'm not used to, especially being from a place that gets a ton of rain. Everyone is so cautious of how much water they use, shower time, dish washing/hand washing time. It's interesting.
Thanksgiving has come and gone. It's so weird: number one being in California where there is no snow makes it even funnier. Snow certainly helps you realize what season it is. :)
I love you all,
Sister Carter
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