So I got transferred to........... SAN JOSE!!! I'm OFFICIALLY in San Jose!! San Jose Evergreen Zone....
I am covering the San Jose YSA!!! Woohoo for another YSA (Young Single Adult) branch for me!!! It's a cute little branch and I love it.
It's so incredibly different from Stanford here but I love being in this city.
We live right next to San Jose State University. Google it. You can see my apartment.
(Left to Right) Here is Sister Nelson. She and her husband are Institute Directors...or something.
Sister HILL!!! MY NEW COMPANION. She's from Utah!! My first one from there! haha
She got baptized on Saturday and I got to be there! And we took her to
the temple!!! Man what a fun first 2 days for me!!
I LOVE HER so so so so so much. What a miracle and blessing she has been in my life already.
She was found 3 weeks ago and passed off to us because she is YSA age.Here is all of us missionaries at Yesi's baptism! Elder Masima (dressed in white) baptized her. I served with him in Menlo Park/Palo Alto!
AND GUESS WHAT!!! The same day Yesi got baptized MY investigators
in PALO ALTO got baptized the same exact day!!! I got to be there too!!
We drove to Palo Alto after Yesi's baptism with President and Sister Mella.
SO so fun seeing Sister Triana and being there with Lilly Ji and her sweet daughter for their special day.
That's Bishop Peery (far left) the Bishop in the PA 1 ward.
It was wonderful seeing everyone in Palo Alto, even though it was only 3 days. I missed them.
Life s good here in San Jose.
I'm loving my time in YSA's.
What a blessing to be a missionary.
I've already got some interesting stories from living in this crazy city.....
I love you ALL,
Sister Carter
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